My life

Lurching from one disaster to another...just a suburban princess trying to get by!

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Our house always had a warm feeling, like home, part of the reason we bought it.  Yes we loved the look, the features, the location, but we saw that in others...when we first walked through the door we knew that this would be our home.

I am not sure what I really believe but we live in an old house and have seen things we couldn't explain.  Nothing spooky, more comforting.

Not long after we moved in both my husband and I both separately saw a figure in the felt like a welcome and being "checked out".   I always thought if I saw something like that I would be terrified, but not in this case. 

I was going through some photos I took recently and came across this one.

My cats went nuts one afternoon for no reason I could see, so being a bit snap happy I took a couple of shots.  Most showed nothing but when I looked at this one I could see an "orb" near the picture frame.

Do you believe?  Have you experienced anything you can't explain? 



  1. Oh I believe in all of it!! A little bit disconcerting but not scary. I have friends who try to tell me that it is the dust particles...I know better...obviously the cats know better too.
    Kiss Noises Linda

  2. I believe it. Obviously "whoever" is watching out for you doesnt mean you any harm :)


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